E dopo il Flash Crash su Boeing (nel pre-borsa)
questa volta tocca alla Banca Zombie Citigroup (durante le contrattazioni ordinarie)
Citì si spara un -20% di botto, viene sospesa e poi recupera di un fiato quando torna in contrattazione...
Un grazie al circuit breakers ("salvavita") della SEC....
June 29, 2010, 1:33 p.m. EDT
Citigroup shares briefly halted after 15% drop
Shares of Citigroup Inc. (C 3.76, -0.24, -5.99%) dropped 15% to $3.32 Tuesday before being halted at 1:04 p.m. Eastern Time on the New York Stock Exchange.
Shares, which are trading down about 6% at $3.77, resumed trading at 1:09 p.m., returning to levels seen before the 15% drop.
ed ancora
Circuit Breakers Trip Citigroup Stock After Alleged "Fat Finger" Causes 20% Flash Crash
Citigroup was trading at $3.81 a share right after 1pm when a "fat finger" or algo came in and took the stock all the way to $3.31.
Immediately, the SEC's circuit breakers kicked in and trading in the stock was stopped. It's back now, trading at $3.78 a share.
Poi ci riflettiamo su con calma....
vedi in questo BLOG Boeing: -44%.....Flash Crash su un singolo titolo