Combinando le indiscrezioni del WSJ sui risultati dello stress-test e le analisi di FBR Capital Market Research, risulterebbe che
Bank of America avrebbe bisogno di un'iniezione di 70 miliardi di dollari per essere sufficientemente capitalizzata.
Mica noccioline...
...Paul Miller (FBR) has released a report that none of the programs trading the market currently have obviously read. Regardless, in keeping with hopes that at some point cheerleading and rationality prevail, it is prudent to at least know what will happen as you are purchasing BAC stock today. Miller's conclusion is for a cool $60-$70 billion capital deficiency at BofA if the bank wishes to maintain the 3% TCE ratio it needs to be "viable" and recommends that the company convert $27 billion of private preferreds into common, in line with what Citigroup has done...