La situazione economica generale ed i suoi prossimi sviluppi rimangono ECCEZIONALMENTE INCERTI, come recentemente diceva qualcuno di nostra conoscenza....
...«Le prospettive economiche degli Stati Uniti restano insolitamente incerte», ha detto il presidente della Fed, Ben Bernanke....
Infatti addirittura i super-GURU made in USA si contraddicono a vicenda ed a stretto giro di posta (almeno in superficie).
Il mitico Warren Buffet (Chairman di Berkshire Hathaway), detto anche l'Oracolo di Omaha per il suo proverbiale fiuto, solo due giorni fa aveva sparacchiato la sua view iper-ottimistica:
"I am a huge bull on this country. We are not going to have a double-dip recession at all," said Buffett, chairman of Omaha, Neb.-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
"I see our businesses coming back across the board."
Buffett said the same things that worked for the country through a century of two world wars, a depression and more – all while increasing the standard of living – will work again.
He said banks are lending money again, businesses are hiring employees and he expects the economy to come back stronger than ever.
"This country works," Buffett said during a question-and-answer session via video at the Montana Economic Development Summit.
"The best is yet to come."
Mentre il giorno dopo Charlie Munger (vice-Chairman di Berkshire Hathaway), da secoli braccio destro di Warren Buffet, sparacchia la sua visione assai più nera.
Just a day after Warren Buffett expressed his optimism in the US economy Charlie Munger, his right hand man, said there is “more pain to come”.
CNBC released the headlines late in the afternoon and details were limited:
A day after Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett made headlines about his views on the economy, his long-time business partner Charlie Munger is weighing in.
Munger, Berkshire’s vice chairman, said the job market is likely to stay “lousy” for an extended period, and that he doesn’t see anything that would prompt employers to hire in the immediate future.
Munger also warned that the pain is not over in many sectors, citing timber and commercial real estate as two sectors where there is “more pain to come.”
Saranno anche le classiche "estrapolazioni dal contesto" sulle quali campa il giornalismo....
In ogni caso spero che ogni tanto il Chairman ed il Vice-Chairman di Berkshire Hathaway si parlino assieme e si sincronizzino...
Lo dico soprattutto nell'interesse degli azionisti di Berkshire Hathaway. ;-)